Back My Bracket
Illustrator, Figma
Featured, All, Branding, UI/UX, Web Design, Print

Back My Bracket is a new custom March Madness Bracket building software developed by our team at W Strategies.
Building The Brand
The immediate goal was to create a brand including a memorable badge that can be displayed solo.

The Design Guidelines

The User Interface
Designing the user interface for the BMB software was a great challenge. I worked directly with the client and our developers to flesh out the UX for this user interface including a full Bracket Builder with up to 64 teams, and flexible bracket customization options including wildcards and display options. This UX project was fueled by of many hours of brainstorm sessions, troubleshooting meetings and trial and error.
On top of the Bracket Builder, my team and I designed and developed the entire websites functionality including a user dashboard system, merch store, social sharing and leaderboard systems.